All the results of the building survey are recorded in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and are subject to professional expertise. The main goal is to obtain an objective picture of the identified defects, to establish the cause of their occurrence, as well as to develop a conclusion on the possibility of using the object and recommendations for eliminating defects.
In which cases an examination is required
Such services are resorted to both before the start of reconstruction of an existing building, and at an object under construction after a long suspension of construction work.Depending on the situation, the typical reasons for contacting experts may be as follows:
for objects in operation:
- at the end of the estimated service life of the object;
- as a regular inspection of the current condition in case of a similar requirement in the project documentation or regulatory documents;
- before starting work on the restoration, reconstruction or other modernization of the building. There may be cases of changes in the functional purpose of the object, redevelopment of premises, change of number of floors and other causes of a possible increase in the load on the elements of load-bearing structures;
- to determine the condition of the main elements of load-bearing structures at an emergency facility or an object exposed to fire or other natural disaster;
- before carrying out current or major repairs in the building, during its long-term operation;
- in case of cracks or other noticeable damage;
- if it is necessary to assess the market value of the object in order to resell it or otherwise change its owner;
- by order of the authorities or the management company;
- to establish the necessary initial data for the execution of any executive documents.
As can be seen from the above list, there can be many reasons and reasons for accessing the survey service. Some of them are planned, some are the result of an emergency situation.
It should be noted that the frequency of such studies is also regulated by law.
for facilities under construction
- in case of resumption of construction work at the facility after a long period of downtime;
- when identifying the deformation of individual elements of a structure under construction and clarifying the cause of what happened;
- if it is necessary to confirm the quality indicators of the work performed before putting the completed facility into operation.
On the frequency of the examination
As a rule, the time frame after which it is necessary to conduct an inspection of the condition of the object should be indicated in the appropriate section of the project documents that have passed the Examination.
If the construction customer, for any reason, did not transfer these sections to the operating organization, then, when assigning the terms of the survey, it remains to be guided at its discretion by either VSN, or GOST 31937-2011, or GOST 27751-2014, in which these requirements vary significantly
Who conducts the survey of buildings
The provision of services for such work is strictly regulated by regulatory documents, in particular Article 47 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the explanations given in the letter of the Ministry of Construction No. 21954 dated May 28, 2021..An organization that performs expert work on the inspection of structures must have a permit from SRO (Self-regulatory organizations) in the field of engineering surveys to conduct such activities.
Also, when carrying out expert work, specialists with the necessary qualifications are required and, depending on the purpose of the survey, a certain set of instruments and instruments for carrying out measurements.
What is being examined
Depending on the task of the survey, the type of structure and its purpose, a list of objects to be tested is compiled. In a typical building of urban development, they are examined:- foundations and foundations
- walls and columns
- floors and coverings
- stairs and elevator shafts
- engineering communications
In some cases, a study of the soils of the base of the structure, the microclimate in the premises, the level of vibrations in the building, its thermal insulation and other factors affecting the performance of the facility is also carried out.
Methods of technical inspection
Depending on the task assigned to the expert organization, the involved arsenal of tools should include devices and techniques that allow for high accuracy and, most importantly, quickly determine the required technical and qualitative parameters of building structural elements and materials
Visual inspection
An experienced specialist with good eyesight and with sufficient lighting is able to quickly identify visible signs of a particular obvious defect on the surface of walls, columns and other supporting structures
Geodetic survey
Such work makes it possible to determine the displacement of individual building elements from their original position, the presence of shrinkage, roll or deflection of the foundation and base that has arisen over time
Ultrasound scanning
When examining building structures, this is an indispensable method. It is used to identify hidden defects in the form of internal cavities and voids. It also allows you to measure the depth of cracks and even determine the strength properties of monolithic concrete
The method of separation with chipping
It refers to direct methods of non-destructive testing of concrete strength. According to most parameters, it turns out to be one of the most accurate and optimal ways to control the quality of concrete products
Laser scanning
This technology allows you to make external and internal measurements of a building and premises in a short time, on the basis of which 2D and 3D models of the object are subsequently created with a high degree of accuracy. During the survey, it becomes possible to determine even small deviations of the surfaces of structures from those specified in the project
Acoustic method
Similar methods are used both to determine the quality of sound insulation of walls and ceilings, which is important for a number of buildings, and to identify hidden defects in load-bearing structures, for which the Acoustic emission method is suitable.
The pneumatic method
It is used to assess the breathability of enclosing elements in a building, such as: exterior wall panels and ceilings, butt joints, window filling, doorways, anti-aircraft lights, etc.
Electromagnetic scanning
The method is based on the ability to determine the reaction of various materials to electromagnetic field irradiation. It is possible to detect damage to foundations and road surfaces hidden in depth, determine the location of engineering communications in the ground and metal reinforcement rods in concrete
Thermal imaging examination
With the help of a thermal imager, you can easily identify the problem of weak thermal insulation of a building, determine the places of heat leaks through panel joints, as well as assess the condition of engineering heating and hot water supply systems
The hydraulic method
The leak detection method is used to examine and successfully find areas of leakproofness of the joints. This technology is of particular relevance in the study of the condition of pipelines, large reservoirs, gas tanks and other special structures
Electro-optical method
It is used to determine vibration parameters in any structure. With the help of an electro-optical modulator, an oscilloscope and vibration sensors, an accurate vibration spectrogram can be obtained
Radiometric method
By irradiating concrete with a stream of gamma radiation and determining its attenuation, it is possible to obtain data on the density and humidity of concrete, which is important for evaluating its qualitative characteristics
The neutron method
It provides a good opportunity to determine humidity in various materials and soil with a low error, which is often necessary to detect the cause of deterioration in the strength characteristics of brickwork, concrete foundations, walls and columns. The disadvantage of the method is the need for biological protection when using itStages of technical inspection
Analysis of the customer's source data
In order to quickly assess the estimated amount of work on the inspection of the facility, it is advisable for the Customer to provide the available documentation on the building before starting the assessment. This can be design, survey and executive documentation. After reviewing the documents, a preliminary conclusion is made about the compliance of the implemented design solutions with the project.
The estimated scope of work on the survey of the building, a list of necessary research techniques and a set of measuring tools are also determined. Based on the results, a technical specification is drawn up and a contract for expert work is concluded
Visual inspection of structures
At this stage, it is possible to give a preliminary assessment of the condition of the object, identify obvious defects and determine the nature of damage that can affect the bearing capacity of the building and its operational characteristics.As a rule, when inspecting concrete structures, the color, solidity, surface looseness, presence or absence of foreign inclusions in concrete, identified shells, cavities, cracks, chips, efflorescences and places of reinforcement corrosion are described. In wooden houses, the condition of wooden beams, racks and ceilings is assessed. In rooms with brickwork, visible damage, the presence of cracks, places of fragmentation and stratification of masonry, deviations from the vertical and other violations are determined
Instrumental examination
The purpose set by the customer, if necessary, to inspect the building, determines the set of tools used.When revealing obvious defects in the examined structure, for example, distortions, deformations, cracks and fractures in the walls, a set of fairly simple tools is used to fix them. In addition to the camera, tape measures, plumb lines, slats, probes, calipers are used.
Complex measuring devices can be used to identify hidden violations, evaluate the quality indicators of structural materials and technical characteristics of the entire building: laser rangefinders, ultrasonic testers, metal detectors and other equipment based on various physical principles.
The results of the survey of the condition of buildings
The entire methodology of expert work is based on the rules set out in GOST 31937-2011 "Buildings and structures. Rules for the inspection and monitoring of the technical condition" The current state of the building's load-bearing structures is mandatory. Walls and columns are checked for compliance with their strength characteristics laid down in the project.Based on the results of measurements and calculations, a technical inspection Report is compiled, the mandatory points of which should be a Conclusion on the survey, which indicates the operational parameters of structures, the degree of operability of the object and provides recommendations for the elimination of identified defects.
The main points of the report should be the following:
Assessment of the technical condition
Step by step, the current state of the main structural elements of the building is investigated and described, namely: the base and foundation, walls and columns, floors and coverings, stairs and elevator shafts. The conclusion is made about the compliance of the technical characteristics of the erected structure with the design documentation.All violations of brickwork and concrete surfaces, cases of corrosion of reinforcement and steel parts in reinforced concrete elements, geometric deviations of surfaces detected by measurements from those specified in the project are listed and recorded photographically.
An important part of the icing is the assessment of the technical properties of load-bearing structures. Usually, the reinforcement system of reinforced concrete parts is checked with magnetometric devices. The strength properties of concrete are determined using ultrasonic testing devices. As a result of measurements and calculations, a conclusion is given about the operability of each of the constituent elements of the object under examination.
Supporting materials
In order to actually support the assessment made, the report provides reference materials, verification calculations, expert opinions, research results and graphic materials with the results of full-scale measurements, floor plans and measurement schemes.A separate list may include a list of defects and damages with photographic documents of the protocol recording of detected violations of the roof, facades and interior spaces, damaged masonry elements, columns, ceilings, fittings and other structural elements of the building.
It indicates the general assessment of the condition of the object under examination with the definition of a specific category of the condition of the building, its individual elements or engineering systems. In accordance with GOST 31937-2011, one of the following formulations must be specified: - Regulatory status;
- Working condition;
- Limited functional state;
- Emergency condition
Based on the results of the examination, it is necessary to indicate the causes of defects and damage in the building and its life support systems
It is necessary to list a list of measures that will help correct the identified defects in the premises of the building for the possibility of its further safe operation. Based on the recommendations presented, a technical specification is being developed for ordering services for the restoration or repair of the structure.Opinion
Sufficiency and reliability of the survey results are necessary conditions for making and justifying design decisions. The technical report should contain reliable data, which is guaranteed to allow you to make the right decision in a future project and save you from financial and time losses.
The cost of the examination
The cost of expert services for the inspection of buildings and structures is calculated according to the methodology described in the handbook SBTSP 81-2001-25, and depends on a number of factors:
- purpose of the survey;
- a set of traditional flat drawings: plans, facades, sections, etc.;
- area, height, building volume and structural features of the building;
- the volume and complexity of the work (composition and complexity category, venue);
- other parameters, including additional customer requirements.
To clarify the cost of the service, please fill out the feedback form here. Our specialist will contact you soon.