© 2025 ООО “Office Times”
Recently we wrote about a new project. It's finished, and we can share the details.
It was about the project of repair of the new office of the company " Yandex Money " in the business center "Aurora "at the metro station"Paveletskaya".
Office Times приступил к работе, когда подрядчики для объекта были уже выбраны. Мы должны были на стройплощадке знакомиться, изучать документацию и технические требования в максимально сжатые сроки. В наши задачи входила координация работ 13 подрядчиков и поставщиков, контроль соблюдения ими запланированных сроков сдачи объекта.
We have developed the most clear-cut road map:
Office Times served as a Central link between all project participants and the customer. We have put into practice a daily report for the client so that he was aware of all the nuances of the project. In a situation of tight deadlines, this is extremely important: it is necessary to make decisions on time and promptly.
We followed to perform the construction work meets the requirements of building codes and the approved project. Compliance of all actions at the facility with the signed contract with the landlord established rules and regulations was another important line of control.
In the final stage of the project, Office Times supervised the transfer of the results of construction and installation works and installed engineering equipment, elimination of defects and defects identified at the time of acceptance of the facility for warranty operation.
The preparation of the office was successfully completed in two months. We met the deadlines and showed high quality of work, which fully satisfied our customer.