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Personnel holding ANCOR, which celebrated its 25th anniversary last year, rented 14 floors in one of the towers of the GoldenGate business center in order to consolidate all departments of the Moscow office in a single office space. The leased office space with individual redevelopment for the client's business was 5000 m2.
Business center "Golden Gate "is a modern high-tech complex, which has become the new business center of the city, meets all the requirements for business centers of class" A", offers the most complete infrastructure for comfortable work of employees.
Office Times acted in this transaction as an authorized consultant on the part of ANCOR, giving the business center a large tenant.
In this project, in addition to providing consulting support, Office Times specialists have developed a stylistic concept of the office, as well as architectural and engineering design. Long-term cooperation with the ANCOR company allowed us to develop effectively the stylistic concept of the new office and to offer such stylistic decisions which meet all requirements of the business implying carrying out a set of business negotiations and actions, and are combined with specifics of activity of each division of large holding structure.