Our next engineering project participates in the Office Next award

Our next engineering project participates in the Office Next award

ABB, a Swedish – Swiss Corporation specializing in the fields of electrical engineering, power engineering, and information technologies, was the customer of the project of the new office in Moscow. Throughout the world, ABB is known for its engines, generators, electrical equipment, industrial robots and systems for the protection, maintenance, and automation of power facilities. The company pays much attention to environmental protection and energy efficiency.

Here we have designed not only all engineering sections, but also the Dispatching System "Smart home". As one of the market leaders in the field of energy efficiency, ABB could not ignore this service. In the new office system "smart home" automatically controls the level of illumination and thermoregulation of premises. The brightness of the luminaires illuminating the workplaces varies depending on the saturation of the natural insolation. The system is also responsible for projectors, curtains in meeting rooms and, in the future, all electrical installation products of its own production.