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The company BONDUELLE has moved to a new office
On new year's eve, we completed one of the most exciting projects of 2018 - РМ for BONDUELLE.
The project was carried out in Moscow business-center "Krasnosel'skiy".
We faced several tasks at once:
We worked together with the famous Italian architectural Studio MPA Mattia Parmiggiani Architects. The office turned out wonderful with spacious and comfortable working and meeting rooms, rooms for sports recreation, informal communication areas, BONDUEL Academy and showroom are located here.
The designer called this project "organic BONDUEL Office". This cozy and hospitable office has green walls, meeting rooms with real gardens, and even a greenhouse where different varieties of salads, greens and vegetables are grown for employees. All this creates a positive productive mood.
It is a pleasure to work on an interesting project with an excellent professional team of the customer, designers and builders.