© 2025 ООО “Office Times”
Author: Nikolay Elagin
Rubrics: Project management
«Everyone's free for the day, the meeting is over. Oh, and I forgot to say... In a few months we need to move to a new office, we have a high rent here. Say it to our Administrative manager. After a week I need to see the options!". This may look like a statement of the problem from the head of the company, who decided to move his organization to another office, for various reasons. The specialist who has in this process due experience and clearly understands what plan to act is lucky. And if not?
What to do if You are not an expert in moving
I propose to consider just the case when the task was difficult. I hope in advance: there is a way out. Of course, the ideal story is when you apply to a company that has already implemented dozens of such projects and thoroughly understands the sequence of actions, knows all the possible difficulties. As a result, the problem of moving is solved not only in an adequate time, but also to be in the new office later easily and pleasantly. What do you mean, nice and easy? It's simple: when the layout and Seating - comfortable, interior – thoughtful and aesthetic, engineering systems – work properly, and the air, heat and light – all enough
There are situations in which it is not possible to follow this path at once. Someone just does not come to mind, because it seems that there is nothing complicated in the move (the main thing that the area is enough and the rental rate is arranged). Some customers earnestly saves the budget, mistakenly believing that it is too costly to attract external experts... In short, the argument is different. But in order to avoid the negative consequences and not to fill unnecessary "bumps", I'll try to give some expert advice. Let's call them "life hacks" of moving for the customer and devote this cycle of our materials.
If your own expertise is not enough, find an expert
If you don't have enough expertise of your own, find an expert. Whether it is an employee of the company, close to the specifics, whether it is an invited person who knows the process. It is important that he understands all stages of the project: how to choose a building, how to evaluate it, how to form a request for the development of design solutions. Who would be aware that the move – it's not just a lease and construction, and a whole set of activities.Construction, by the way, is the final product, but also the most expensive in this process. The product that you will live with, but before it there are a lot of important stages that can not be missed. During my practice, I have not met an HR specialist, financier, sales staff (I mean employees within the company), who would have the proper knowledge in this process. It is important that Your expert is ready in time to address the relevant market experts, to obtain the necessary expertise, if necessary, to attract contractors, and ideally independently study the same Executive documentation on the object, etc.
Do not stay alone, attract an expert
In practice of The office times company there were cases when the customer addressed us literally in a panic, losing control over process of repair, because of lack of similar experience. This happened at different stages of work: from the selection of office space to the introduction of us in the middle of the construction process for crisis management of the project. It is important that the management company is ready to provide the client with transparent information about the actions of contractors, project schedule, possible risks and steps to eliminate them. For example, providing online broadcasting from the facility is one of the best "anti-stress" for the customer. Thus, there is full confidence in the management company, and the reasons for panic simply cease to exist! So, the main recommendation: do not stay alone, carry out the project with experts!
Pay attention to the contract
There are situations when the customer delays decision-making and the project becomes risky in terms of timing, not the fault of the contractor. Or Vice versa: the contractor is trying to "move the arrows" to the customer, trying to block the forced force majeure. What follows from this and how to avoid these unnecessary conflicts to any party? It is important to be very attentive to the contractual procedure and very clearly delineate the areas of responsibility between the customer and the contractor. This will prevent situations in which undue shifting of responsibility will occur. If we talk about our practice, we have had similar disputable situations. And I can say this: we honestly do what we subscribe to and are ready to answer for every action in the process of moving. But if the situation gets out of control due to the factors lying in the area of responsibility of the customer, we make every effort to identify all possible consequences of certain wrong decisions, which we, as performers, can not influence.
Nuances of Seating
You should understand whether it is possible to give enough comfortable seats to the required number of employees in the new room. I will explain how the area is considered. There is an understanding of the norm: 1 person per 8-10 squares, and it seems that if the area is enough in terms of the number of employees, then everything is fine. But this is not always the case. Much depends on whether you plan to move shared or work areas, whether you plan to expand or narrow them. When the room is selected, it is important that engineers consider the engineering component, and architects - constructive. And if the technical and architectural component is worked out, only then you can "play" with the Seating, taking into account all the engineering characteristics, with the conclusions and conclusions on air, water, electricity, etc. All the risks of Seating is important to find out before the operation of the object, and ideally before the signing of the lease agreement.
The desired from the actual or details of design
When we talk about the visualization of the project, the first thing that comes to mind is the "picture". This, beautiful and impressive, which in colors and paints represents the interior of the future premises. I will try to explain the subtleties of this stage, and, slightly looking ahead, I will say this: "the picture" should be not just beautiful, but also as concrete as possible, working for all contractors who will implement it. What does this mean? First, before proceeding to the design project, it is necessary to have a plan with all measurements of the room and an understanding of the location of connections for electricity, utilities for sanitation and other engineering systems. This will create the most truthful and implemented design project. This project ideally should not only give a visual representation of the future interiors, but also an understanding of what finishing materials are used. In addition, if the design project involves unusual design solutions, then as applications it should have their detailed drawings. In short, the output of this "picture" should be clear to the architect and engineer, and furniture specialist – all those contractors who will continue to work with it.
Who the author is
There is another important point in the preparation of visualization. Usually, in order to choose a worthy performer of a design project, the customer initiates a tender. Often, we organize this process in the interests of the customer, either by selecting suppliers for the tender on their own, or by participating in the tender as experts. When we consider the so-called "moodboard" (the first stylistic sketches of the project created on the basis of the processed request from the customer), I always ask to show the author of the design project. The person who "made this suit." This is necessary in order to have a single "window" for this task. It has not turned so that the painted one, and as responsible for the project has appointed another person who will refer to the actual author or group of persons that created the walls, floors, ceilings (asked for each item). Why is it important to have one artist in the person of a real author? It's simple: a trivial saving of time on the synchronization of actions on further development of the project. And in some cases - and saving money of the customer, because the more people in the project, the more expensive it is.
I will tell you about the further stages of the move in our next materials.
To be continued…