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Author: Nikolay Elagin
Rubrics: Pre-feasibility consulting
– Can I save money on construction without involving experts?
– You can, but you'll have to be an expert yourself..
Have you tried eating soup with a fork? Probably not-it's very inconvenient.Building on their own can bring more problems and costs than real savings without the necessary information and skills .
Although, at first glance, why not try to do everything yourself:
For example, what is difficult to choose carpet for the future office? On the Internet you will find a formula for calculating the amount of coverage on the websites of manufacturers learn the characteristics. Then delve into the issues of pricing – why carpet costs 500 rubles per square meter, and 750, and 900 with the same characteristics are different . From different suppliers you will learn a lot of subtleties of fastening and laying, comprehend a difference between fixing and glue. You will understand how to roll out, in which direction to lay, how to trim the carpet.
Having collected all this information, you will be able to estimate the estimate, to choose the reliable supplier, to check a course of works on laying. It is a pity that one carpet construction is not limited, and the rental holidays are very fast.
Information and knowledge are the key to saving.
The involvement of experts in the project saves at least 10% of the total cost of the project, and in some cases more.
If you are determined to do on their own and you are not afraid of the development of new horizons, I will give some recommendations on how to avoid excessive spending of resources on construction.
Building on their own? Nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence!
The first advice for those who are planning construction – look closely at the estimates. You should be wary of a very expensive and very cheap offer. Too low cost estimates compared to the average market may mean that it laid the cheapest materials. But " cheap "doesn't mean"good." Low-quality paint will quickly come down from the walls, the carpet will be wiped from the daily load, and from the sharp light of cheap lamps will hurt your eyes. There is a good saying: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things." To paraphrase, we can say that investing in cheap and low-quality materials means throwing money away. Such "savings" will only result in additional costs in the very near future.
You need to think three times over too expensive proposal, because " expensive "also does not mean"good".
A reasonable estimate without loss of quality should be a middle ground for the price.
Carefully study the estimate: it should not be too cheap or expensive
To carry out construction at a lower cost, there are three main ways.
The savings are not in mechanically replacing all expensive materials with cheap ones. Knowledge of what material can be replaced with a cheaper analogue without loss of quality will help to save. Refer to the example of medication when honey "Mezim" replace a cheaper, but less effective "Pancreatin". So and instead the most expensive paint can be take more modest on price and brand, but decent quality.
To do this, you will have to gather information about the materials, read expert articles, opinions of users and professional builders on specialized forums. In short, to be in the subject.
It is not necessary to buy the most expensive materials to achieve the desired quality
The amount of materials for construction is another opportunity for savings. Reducing to a reasonable minimum the amount of necessary materials, you reduce the total cost. Ask the supplier to justify the quantity of all materials. Ask for an explanation of the formulas he used to calculate and the considerations he used. For example, is it necessary to sheathe all the walls with expensive plywood? Might be wise to strengthen those areas which will have a real load?
Here you will also have to delve into the essence. For example, how much paint will it take to paint a wall? You will have to personally look at the paint and assess the quality of the coating that you are offered: how well the paint covers the surface, how it reacts to abrasion. And then you can approximately imagine how much specific paint will go to this work and whether it is possible to optimize its quantity.
To save on construction, will have to learn a lot
This is the most difficult type of economy. You need to be a specialist yourself to make it real . And even if you understand the basic algorithms of construction, there are technologies that are difficult to track. For example, rough work, here the materials are measured in kilograms and bags, and putty, plaster, plasterboard layer, profile are under a layer of paint on the wall. You can not say for sure, the wall is covered with two or three layers of putty, how much cement is left on the floor and what type of primer was used for paint. And in the end you'll prefer to accept that under the cover lies five layers of plaster, just in order not to delay time. Because vacation rentals have come to an end.
So for the implementation of this type of savings you can not do without a solid or preliminary training, or without expert assistance . Self-employment can be very destructive and lead to unexpected costs.
Example. On one of the projects the customer decided to take on part of the work – to stick the sticker on the glass. It seems to be a simple job. But the customer is not limited to glass and decided to make a sticker wall behind the reception Desk. However, the wall was not prepared for this type of coating. The film went bubbles, and when you try to dismantle it began to go plaster. In the end, had to redo the wall.
Knowledge of building materials and technologies will help you to save on construction, and it is most effective to resort to the help of independent experts. They will optimize the budget, monitor the target expenditure of the budget, ensure compliance of the construction works with technical standards, project documentation and obligations of contractors. Such participation provides the desired result and saves money, time, nerves.
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